Past Shadows

Years ago you took three amulets of power from the gods, giving your people power, even over time itself. Now you set out to correct your mistake. Your quest is to return the amulets and restore balance to the world.

As power returns to the gods, new challenges will appear and your task will grow more difficult.

Memory spheres allow you to rewind time and correct mistakes, but stepping on an erupting time trap causes you to lose one.

You also have the power to pause time. Use this often, as it has no cost except for a cooldown between uses.



  • Move:  Arrow keys, Numpad, WASD or HJKL
  • Wait a turn: M, . (Period), Space, or Numpad 1
  • Pause time: P, Enter or Numpad 0
  • Rewind time: R, Backspace or Numpad 7


  • Move: D-Pad
  • Wait a turn: A (XBOX)
  • Pause time: X (XBOX)
  • Rewind time: Y (XBOX)


Use the on-screen touch controls (in portrait mode)


  • The rooms are solvable without having to bring things from other parts of the level
  • Pressure plates only affect the room they are in, they will not trigger something in another part of the level
  • Mild spoiler: When you start, the gate before you is locked. You will have to do something both in the west and the east parts of the level before it opens. The order in which you approach them is up to you, however.

This game, including art, code and sound was made in 7 days for the 7DRL challenge 2024. I hope you like it! Please let me know if you have any questions or comments.

Post compo update: I fixed a bug that affected the performance of the music engine. I've also removed some unneeded files from the download to make the page load faster. There are no changes to the actual game. If you want to play the original version, you can find it here:

Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
(1 total ratings)
TagsSeven Day Roguelike Challenge, Atmospheric, Fantasy, Hand-drawn, Roguelike, Short, Singleplayer
Average sessionAbout a half-hour
AccessibilityColor-blind friendly


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Hope to see more next year

Thank you for the video review! I appreciate it a lot and I found your comments very helpful (as always).

Well done selecting a scope that you could polish in a week. Some intriguing mechanics which could be layered on for a larger game. Lovely vector art. Thanks for making and sharing art! :)


Thank you for the encouragement! 😊 I tried keeping the scope down to have time for polishing the game, I’m glad you noticed! It’s always hard finding the right complexity to aim for. 
Thanks for playing and for the nice comment!

nice job. Made it through all the content with no bugs or issues. I liked the crow statues... nice touch.

That’s great to hear 😊 Thank you for playing and for the kind comment! 

This was clever and beautiful.

(1 edit) (+1)

Thanks a lot! I had fun hanging out in your stream and I really enjoyed seeing you play my game :)